Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Raja Ampat
Descriptive text merupakan sebuah genre tulisan yang berisi penjelasan atau deskripsi seorang tokoh, seekor binatang, suatu benda, atau suatu tempat. Hal yang dideskripsikan dalam descriptive text beragam mulai dari bentuk, asal, materi, sifat, usia, dan lain-lain. Teks jenis ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan topik yang dibicarakan kepada pembaca.
Teks jenis ini memiliki ciri-ciri hanya fokus pada satu topik yang dibicarakan. Tokoh, benda, atau tempat yang dibicarakan unik. Teks ini juga menggunakan simple present tense karena yang disampaikan adalah fakta. Ciri lainnya yang menonjol adalah penggunakan attribute verb (contohnya am, is, dan are).
Baca juga : Contoh Explanation Text Tentang Bencana Alam Tanah Longsor
Sebuah descriptive text terdiri dari dua bagian. Identification menjadi bagian utama yang menggambarkan topik secara umum. Setelah itu, penjelasan ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki topik yang dibahas disebut description.
Descriptive text sering dijumpai pada penggambaran suatu tempat wisata. Oleh karena itu, perhatikan contoh teks tentang Raja Ampat berikut ini.
Raja Ampat
Raja Ampat is located in West Papua province. This tourist spot is one of many “must-visit” tourist attractions in Indonesia. Travellers who likes to spent most of their times exploring the picturesque part of the earth will love Raja Ampat.
The origin of the name Raja Ampat is believed to be taken from a local legend. Raja Ampat means “The Four Kings”. The legend says that once upon a time there was a woman who found seven eggs. Four of the eggs hatched. Later, those children who were born from the eggs became the kings of the four main islands.
The four main islands in Raja Ampat are Batanta, Misool, Salawati, and Waigeo. There are more than 1.500 small islands, cays, and shoals surrounding the four main islands. Because of this fact, Raja Ampat is classified as an archipelago.
Raja Ampat is well-known for the underwater. The underwater biodiversity of Raja Ampat is massive with around 540 types of corals, 700 types of molluscs, and more than 1.000 types of coral fish. Moreover, The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International reported that around 75% of world’s species live in Raja Ampat. This report solidifies that Raja Ampat is the archipelago with the most diverse coral reef and underwater biota.
The beauty of Raja Ampat is not only about its underwater treasures but also its landscapes. One would say the surface view is beyond words. Those rock islets, clear blue water, and bright blue sky provide breathtaking vibes all around. The visitors who want to embrace Mother Nature will not go home disappointed. The place is also famous for thick jungle that is the home of many bird species.
Cendrawasih, one of the species live in Raja Ampat, is nicknamed “Bird of Paradise” because of their beauty feels like not from this world. This unique bird becomes the symbol of Papua.
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Dreaming of Raja Ampat? Come make it happen – Indonesia.Travel. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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