10 Contoh Anecdote Texts Seputar Kehidupan Sehari-hari
Anekdot (anecdote) adalah cerita ringkas tentang suatu peristiwa atau orang yang biasanya bertujuan untuk mengundang tawa atau mengajak pembaca merenungkan topik tertentu. Istilah “anekdot” aslinya berasal dari frasa Yunani ἀνέκδοτα, yang berarti “hal-hal yang tidak dipublikasikan.”
Biasanya, anecdote muncul ketika sekelompok orang sedang mendiskusikan suatu topik. Misalnya saja, pada suatu ketika, para pekerja di sebuah kantor sedang istirahat makan sambil berbincang-bincang. Pada waktu itu, mereka sepakat bercerita tentang hobi masing-masing. Andrew, seorang pekerja yang hobi menonton pertandingan sepak bola secara langsung, menceritakan pengalamannya bertemu dengan kawan lamanya saat mengantre tiket masuk ke stadion. Saat itulah, Andrew baru saja membagikan anecdote kepada rekan-rekan kerjanya.

Pada dasarnya, anecdote adalah cerita yang sangat singkat. Sebuah anecdote tidak memiliki plot lengkap seperti cerita pendek, drama, atau novel. Pencerita hanya mengemukakan hal yang paling menarik untuk dibahas, biasanya menambahkan pengetahuan atau pengalaman pribadi ke topik tersebut. Anecdote memang paling sering dijumpai dalam bentuk lisan terutama diucapkan seseorang yang berpidato. Namun, anecdote juga bisa ditemui dalam bentuk tertulis, misalnya ketika tokoh utama menceritakan hal menarik yang ditemuinya sepanjang jalan ke rumah kepada ibunya.
Mari kita lihat berberapa contoh anecdote dalam kehidupan sehari-hari berikut ini :
- I have three pet birds at home. I call them Monster, Minish, and Héké. You know what’s special about them? They are so awkward! Monster doesn’t want you to see him eating or drinking. If you catch him while he is eating or drinking, he will be startled and starts acting as if nothing had happened. He can continue to eat, just like the other two birds that don’t care about when they are eating, but he is reluctant to eat or drink until you leave him alone. Meanwhile, Minish is very sensitive to movements. He will start making noise, jumping up and down, and unable to calm when you suddenly make a shocking move. And then, Héké is the weirdest one! He likes to tilt his head. Hearing noise? Tilts head. Watching me pouring food to his bowl? Tilts head. Seeing his friends acting weird? Chirping while tilting head. I just don’t get it. However, I love them all.
- When I was in Japan two years ago, I saw a lot of books dumped on the roadside, in the middle of the forest, too! Those scattered books were of various genres. Adult comics, books of controversial subjects, and student worksheets were among the pile of trash. I guess Japan isn’t as clean as I have imagined.
- Every morning until few days ago, I often bought food from a woman who sold food around my house; I just found out that she died because of slipping on banana leaves in her home. May she rest in peace.
- Hey, look! Is that a white butterfly? This reminds me of our local myth. People said that if your house is visited by a butterfly, you’ll be getting visitor soon. Now, let’s see whether there will be visiting guests or not soon.
- I am annoyed with Risky. Yesterday, he cleaned his office desk but it wasn’t clean. Papers everywhere. He also didn’t clean his trash bin every day. Did he not know that the rubbish inside his trash bin invited mosquitoes?
- If you want to buy a train ticket, come at least three hours before. I used to be careless. I came to the station half an hour before the train departure time I was about to take. As a result, I didn’t get the train ticket I wanted because it was sold out. In fact, the ticket of the same train that was still available departed six hours later. I had to wait for hours at the station.
- Let me tell you a story about Joni. Before successfully opening a culinary business in his hometown, Joni wandered about outside his home island. There, he worked odd jobs. He does anything, as long as it is halal. Finally, he became a waitress for a small restaurant. Joni once told me that he had just realized that he liked cooking after looking at how the restaurant’s chefs prepare the foods. When he returned to his hometown, he began to study cooking seriously until he finally opened a cafe.
- Last week, I met Fiona. We have rarely met because of each other’s busy life. When we were talking, Fiona asked about you. She said she saw you when she was in the theatre. However, you didn’t see her because she was a little behind you. Have you been to the theatre recently?
- If you find the bread you have bought is mouldy, throw it away immediately. Last month, I forgot to throw away my mouldy bread. The mould stuck to the jar where I put the bread. The jar was broken because the mould softens the plastic jar to a hole.
- I tell you one thing; do not sleep when the sun still up and wake up when the sun already set. You’ll lose track of time. I once fell asleep at 3 in the afternoon and woke up at 7 pm. I thought it was 5 am the next day! I got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath. After that, I prepared to go to school. My mother was looking at me with confusion because I was wearing my school uniform when I went to the dining room. Yes, I wanted to eat breakfast. Astonished, my mother reminded me that it was still evening. At that time, I realized that I was taking a nap, not sleeping at night. While a little embarrassed, I changed my clothes to my usual home attire.
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