3 Contoh Cerita Liburan dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat
3 Contoh Cerita Liburan dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat – Masa liburan sering menjadi saat-saat yang ditunggu banyak orang. Berlibur adalah kegiatan menyenangkan. Dengan liburan, kita dapat melepas stres dari kepenatan rutinitas sehari-hari, baik itu rutinitas belajar maupun bekerja.
Terkadang, bahkan sering, ada banyak kejadian seru selama liburan. Kejadian menyenangkan dan tak terlupakan inilah yang sebaiknya kita simpan dalam memori kita.
Selain dengan mengabadikan kenangan liburan dalam foto, kamu juga bisa menuliskan cerita liburan kamu dalam bahasa Inggris secara singkat. Tulisan semacam ini disebut recount yang termasuk dalam salah satu bentuk narrative text selain anecdotes, fables, fairy tales, fictions, dan spoofs.

Sebuah recount text harus ditulis secara kronologis dan memiliki tiga karakteristik utama yaitu pengenalan, rangkaian kejadian berurutan, dan kesimpulan. Introduction mencakup nama orang yang diceritakan, kejadian yang berlangsung, waktu ketika kejadian berlangsung, di mana kejadian tersebut berlangsung, dan mengapa kejadian tersebut signifikan untuk kamu ceritakan.
Baca juga : Contoh Recount Text Tentang Liburan ke Singapura
Melihat dari jenisnya, recount text dibagi lagi menjadi dua yaitu personal recount dan impersonal recount. Tulisan mengenai liburan masuk dalam kategori personal recount. Tujuannya adalah untuk mencatat, merefleksikan, dan menghibur pembaca. Di sisi lain, ada teks recount yang memiliki fungsi untuk memberikan informasi sekaligus menghibur pembaca. Jenis teks recount yang ini dinamakan impersonal recount dan bisa kamu temukan di koran, majalah, buku biografi, dan buku nonfiksi lainnya.
Untuk lebih memahami recount text terutama yang terkait dengan liburan, perhatikan 3 contoh cerita liburan dalam bahasa Inggris singkat berikut ini:
3 Contoh Cerita Liburan dalam Bahasa Inggris Singkat
1.) Camping at Mount Diablo
Last weekend, my childhood friends and I went camping in Mount Diablo. Our campground was called Juniper and Live Oak Campground. We needed to walk for about fifteen minutes from the parking lot to one of their camping sites. One site could accommodate up to eight people. The amenities were pretty comfortable as it had toilets, showers, picnic tables, and potable water.
Since we were allowed to bring pets, I brought my dog, Uni, with me. My dog was very calm during the trip by car from my house to the camp. She seemed very happy to see the beautiful views of the Diablo Mountains from the car windows.
Anyway, so, we built the camp next to the rocks and trees. As the sky was getting dark, we decided to build a campfire. We spent the night singing, cooking BBQ, and telling stories.
It was a long night. The weather was not too cold at that time. The sky was bright so we could look at the stars.
The next day, we went hiking from Tarantula Treks to an observatory deck. The view was stunning and it was said to be the best view in Northern California. Our guide suggested us to visit the Grand Loop Trail. So, we visited there and enjoying the gorgeous view. We also observed some wildlife creatures like bobcats, mountain lions, and coyotes.
After we felt enough observing the view, we went down the hill to return to the campsite. We took a break, had lunch, and started packing things.
A few hours later, we folded the tent. Then, we were getting ready to go home. We bought some souvenirs for display in our homes. After that, we approached the parking lot and went home.
2.) Christmas in Town
My brother and I went all around the neighbourhood dressed as elves last Christmas. We sang the Christmas Carol song and my neighbours gave us some money. With that money, we bought many sweets on Christmas Eve. We filled our stockings with those! We went to sleep late.
On Christmas day, we invited my auntie and uncle for Christmas dinner. We made pudding, pie, and cake. Dad and my brother cooked the meat. I drew cards for my aunt and uncle. They liked my drawings and were very happy!
After dinner, we played lots of games and we pulled our Christmas crackers. Last Christmas holiday were just perfect! I hope that next year’s Christmas will be as nice as the last one.
3.) Mountain Adventure
During the summer holiday, I went to the Mountain District for a week with my Mother, Dad, and my sister, Laura. We camped there in the third week of the school holidays.
Laura had never been to the Mountain District before. She even had never been camping before. She said to me that she was a bit nervous and did not know what to expect. However, I made sure that everything would be okay.
When we arrived, we found out that our tent was comfortable and roomy enough. My little sister was afraid that the tent would be cold and wet. She felt happy because she was sure she would not be cold when night fell.
The next day, we climbed the hill. It was a rocky walk. We needed to use our hands to support us when passing some places. About half an hour later, we arrived at the summit. We rested for a bit, had lunch, enjoyed the view, and then went back to the tent.
We decided to go home the next day. We packed things carefully so that nothing was left behind.
I feel satisfied with this summer vacation. I hope I can go back to the Mountain District later.
Demikianlah 3 contoh cerita liburan dalam bahasa Inggris singkat yang dapat kamu jadikan acuan untuk membantumu menulis cerita. Semoga bermanfaat dan layangkan komentar kamu di kolom komentar di bawah ini.
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