Contoh Personal Letter yang Bersifat Formal dan Informal
Personal letter artinya adalah surat yang dibuat oleh perseorangan untuk ditujukan pada orang atau lembaga tertentu. Surat ini bisa bernada resmi (formal) maupun tidak resmi (informal) berdasarkan tujuan penerimanya. Secara singkat, personal letter dibagi menjadi dua kategori utama yaitu:
Dua kategori personal letters

Person-to person letters
Jenis personal letter ini merujuk pada surat yang ditulis oleh seorang individu dan ditujukan kepada individu lain. Isi surat membahas masalah pribadi bukan bisnis. Contoh person-to-person letters adalah condolence letter, friendly letter, goodbye letter, love letter, letter of congratulations, teacher letter to parents, dan thank you letter.
Person-to-business letters
Kategori selanjutnya dari personal letters adalah person-to-business letters. Surat tersebut dikirim oleh seorang individu kepada suatu badan usaha atau institusi atau yang berhubungan dengan suatu bentuk relasi usaha antara dua belah pihak. Contoh person-to-business letters adalah acceptance letter, application letter, commendation letter, complaint letter, cover letter, introduction letter, letter of recommendation, reference letter, request letter, dan resignation letter.
Baca juga : Contoh Informal Letter (Letter to A Friend)
Contoh person-to-person letter
1150 Sweetwood Drive
Denver, Colorado, 80202
August, 2019
3068 Blair Court
Memphis, Missouri, 63563
Dear Christopher,
Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your graduation from Missouri Academy of Sports.
I just heard the news from Ralph Holder when he dropped into my class today. He was very excited to relay this news to me!
I am so proud of you. We’ve been friends since Junior High School. You always motivate me to do my best and be a better person. I’ll never forget your advice in every aspect of life.
Once again, Christopher, I want to express my sincere congratulations on your graduation. I wish you the best for your next endeavor. I wish we can meet up soon! I’ll catch up with you to graduate soon. Wish me luck!
Yours truly,
George Killough
Contoh person-to-business letter
2915 Rocky Road
Philadelphia, PA, 19108
August 5, 2019
Rex Green
Director, Customer Services,
Atlas Microsystem Industries
2398 Broaddus Avenue
Nebo, KY, 42441
Dear Rex Green:
Please regard this as an application for the position of Customer Services Staff that was advertised in last Monday’s Gazette.
Based on the requirements stated in the ad, I believe that I possess the experience and skills needed to help your company in the critical customer service area. This includes:
• Five yeard of experience in the customer service field and marketing;
• Bilingual English and Spanish;
• Professional working proficency of Mandarin;
• Ability to work efficiently on budget;
• Experience working effectively in a dynamic, multi-tasking environment.
I enclosed resume that provides more details of my experiences, skills, and abilities that I possess.
After reading your advertisement, I was immediately interested in the company’s visions and missions. I would like to contribute to your company success.
I will contact you next week to see when we can meet to further discuss my qualifications and how I can help your company improve its customer service levels.
Jean Boll
Baca juga : 3 Contoh Business Letter
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