3 Contoh Teks News Item Singkat dan Strukturnya

3 Contoh Teks News Item Singkat dan Strukturnya | Salah satu skill Bahasa Inggris yang perlu dikuasai adalah kemampuan menulis. Jenis teks News Item adalah contoh paling tepat untuk melatih kemampuan tersebut. Isi teksnya menginformasikan fakta yang termasuk 5W+1H, tentang what (apa), who (siapa), when (kapan), where, (dimana), why (kenapa) dan how (bagaimana). Tugas sekolah pun mempelajari jenis teks ini dengan mengambil contoh berbagai berita aktual yang dimuat dimedia massa. 

Teks News Item singkat terdiri dari struktur sederhana dalam paragraf yang terbagi dalam tiga bagian. Berikut adalah bagian yang harus ada dalam sebuah teks News Item. 

Contoh News Item Text
  • Main event. Ringkasan dari kejadian inti yang keseluruhan berita. 
  • Background event. Memaparkan latar belakang kejadian yang menjadi informasi pendukung dalam teks. 
  • Source. Berbagai komentar, pendapat para ahli dan saksi kejadian sebagai pelengkap berita. 

Informasi yang diungkapkan dalam teks memberitakan hal penting yang memiliki nilai berita yang layak diketahui masyarakat luas. Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut adalah beberapa contoh teks news item singkat tentang berbagai peristiwa. 

Jakarta Post, Jakarta – Government allocated Rp. 4.99 trillion to bail out the Healthcare and Social Security Agency (Health BPJS) on join meeting with House Commission IX in Jakarta on Monday. 

The state health insurer estimated a significant deficit that hit Rp 16.58 trillion. The Health BPJS President Director Fachri Idris said the main reason behind it was the underpriced premiums. The low participants paid to the government is lower than the normal premium and hurt the BPJS income. 

The Deputy Finance Minister Mardiasmo said that the government issued a regulation to inject funds aside from the state budget for the health insurer. The minister also devised a “policy mix” to imposes a base for Health BPJS operational cost. 

Jakarta, 3 January 2020 – The world of art in Jakarta will hold an art exhibition on 3-5 May 2020 at the Grand Hotel Ballroom of the Sheraton Grand Jakarta Gandaria City Hotel, Gandaria City Mall Jakarta, Indonesia.

The art collection will display collection inside of various world-class artist’s work. Art connoisseurs will be spoiled with works from artists such as Christine Ay Tjoe, Handiwirman Saputra, Fernando Botero, Ju Ming, Kaws, Marc Quinn, Robert Indiana and Jean Mitchel Othoniel. 

The event is initiated by Leo Silitonga who has a wealth of experience in the art world. Art appreciating is very important to support artists and their works as well as to make the art market excited” Leo said.

Source : Liputan 6

Landslide in Situ Gintung, Tangerang

Ten people died and several others were injured in an unexpected landslide in the Situ Gintung, Cirendeu, Tangerang, Banten. The man-made lake holds excessive water resource and flooded the surrounding area in the break of dawn. 

    The numerous death casualty includes 3-year-old Yusuf, the son of a shop owner at the nearby market. The rest of the victims were immediately taken to Yarsi hospitals. The property damages were still unknown and at the moment the road to the landslide areas was closed. 

    The Ciputat Deputy said The recent rainfall is suspected to be responsible for the disaster. The state government is doing everything in its power to solve the issues. The landslide evaluation is to make sure the disaster does not happen again. 

source: the jakarta post

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