Contoh Explanation Teks Tentang Tubuh Manusia
Dari beberapa jenis teks yang lazim dipelajari dibangku sekolah, Explanation text diantaranya. Pahami bentuk strukturnya untuk dapat membuat explanation teks yang baik dan benar.
Dalam kata “explanation” bisa disimpulkan bahwa teks mengungkapkan tentang “penjelasan”. Beberapa ciri khas yang harus ada pada sebuah explanation teks adalah.
- Bahasa affirmative. Teksnya berbentuk kalimat positif dengan memaparkan beberapa fakta dan detail.
- Terdisi dari general statement yang memilih satu buah pertanyaan tentang apa yang akan dijelaskan dalam teks beserta squenced explanation yang menjelaskan apa yang sudah dicantumkan pada paragraf sebelumnya atau pada bagian general statement.
Untuk lebih jelasnya berikut adalah contoh explanation teks berkaitan dengan tema tubuh manusia.

Human Body Energy
The human body is a living machine that operates in a certain way just like other machines. This living matter needs fuels to makes up energy and the ability to function. The fuel comes from the food that we eat and consume. However, to be able to works to its fullest capacity. The human body needs quality and healthy food.
The energy values the food in terms of its calories. It is the amount of heat generated from eating the food. It can raise to 1 kg of water by 1 degree of Calories. The number of calories that people need different from one another. It also depends on body weight and other aspects. Their daily activities also contributed to how much calories their body needs. For example office worker that spend their days sitting needs fewer calories compared for construction workers that walk, climbs and move a lot.
The energy that comes from food is generated from three sources. They are carbohydrate, protein and also fat. All of these substances are important and omitting one element can result in an imbalanced diet. You may be thin yet you have trouble completing the daily activities.
A good balance is making sure calories intake are following your activity. When you are moving a lot, you can eat more. When you are inactive, eating less is the best solution. Therefore, the body can generate enough energy to function and not causing malnutrition or overweight.
The Human Eyes
The eye is the most important sensory organ of the human body. All the outsides information enters the brain through the eye. So, how does this wonderful and useful organ works?
Several parts of the eye enable it to see the object and transfer it into the brain. The light hit the retina through the sensory cell and convert them into electrical impulses. That is why we recognize things better when it is bright. The photoreceptor cell in the eye helps human to see images in the peripheral vision. The rods cells help the eyes concentrate in the outer perimeter of the retina. Particularly when it is dim and dark While the cones cells focus in the middle side of the retina for more perceptive colour and fine visual detail.
Both cells contribute human ability to see in whatever the condition and lightning. The brain interprets the information from the retina to various forms and data.
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