Contoh Narrative Text Legend tentang Danau Toba

Contoh Narrative Text Legend tentang Danau Toba | Tujuan dari text narrative adalah menghibur pembaca dengan cerita yang menarik. Dibandingkan jenis text lainnya, text narrative memiliki paling banyak jenis. Salah satunya adalah text legend. Teks yang menceritakan kisah yang tumbuh dan menyebar disebuah daerah ini merupakan jenis 

Text legend mengikuti format structure dari text narrative yang diawali orientation (pengenalan karakter dan setting), complication (masalah) dan resolution (penyelesaiannya). Selain itu ada beberapa ciri khas dari narrative text legend yang perlu diketahui. 

  • Menggunakan pola kalimat Simple Past Tense
  • Mengawali paragraph pertama dengan kalimat pertama dengan keterangan waktu (Adverbs of Time) seperti long time ago, once upon of time, once, time long ago.
  • Memakai kata penghubung waktu
  • Kadangkala mengisipkan percakapan antara karakter

Yuk, simak contoh narrative text legend berikut tentang Danau toba atau Toba Lake.   

Contoh Narrative Text Legend

The Story of Toba Lake

A long time ago, in a small village far deep in north Sumatra, there lived a poor man named Toba. He spends his day in a simple hut among the farming field. He makes a living from fishing and farming, although he remains poor. No matter how hard he works. He always earns little. 

One day he went fishing as usual. He didn’t catch much fish. Just when he is about to get disappointed. He got a big beautiful golden fish on his net. He is more than happy. He caught the biggest fish in his life. He brings the fish home in a joyful feeling. He is planning to cook the fish for lunch the net day. To his surprise, the golden fish turn into a person. She is not just anybody, she is a very beautiful princess. Toba admires how lovely the woman that stands in his kitchen. 

The woman later opens up to Toba. She told him about her trouble and feeling. She also told him about the cursed that makes her turn into golden fish. She wants to stay in Toba house, but Toba must keep her secret to himself. The princess asked him to never relieve the truth to anyone, or something bad is going to happen. 

Toba says yes to her. After a while, he asked the princess to marry him. Luckily the princess agrees. Then they both married and live happily in their simple hut. Their happiness grew with the birth of their son. He completes the happy couple, and they named him Samosir. 

He grew up to be a very healthy boy who likes to eat a lot. Every day he will go to the rice field where his father works and bring him lunch. One day, just like any other day, Samosir mother asked him to bring lunch. But today Samosir is hungry. He at most of the food in the lunch bag, and left very little for his father. 

After he saw his father, Samosir gave lunch. Toba was very happy because he was hungry from working all day. As he opens the lunch bag and saw low little food left in it, he becomes very angry. He shouted at his son using loud voice, “You no good fish son!” Samosir shock to listen to his father anger. He cried to his home and try to find his mother. 

Sobbing, he asked the mother why did his father say that he is a fish boy. The mother is upset that Toba broke his promise. A big earthquake and pouring rain flooded their home. It forms into spring with a small lake in the middle. People called the spring lake as Toba Lake and the small island, Samosir.

Baca juga : 3 Contoh Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris tentang Binatang Rubah 

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