Contoh Soal Teks Fabel Singkat tentang Persahabatan
Contoh Soal Teks Fabel Singkat tentang Persahabatan | Salah satu bentuk text narrative adalah fable. Texs yang menceritakan tentang kisah sarat moral dengan perumpaman binatang bisa mengakat tema keluarga, teman, dan lainnya. Mengerjakan soal teks fabel singkat diawali dengan teks dan menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks.
Sebelumnya, ketahui terlebih dahulu stuktur teks fabel dalam Bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.
- Orientation : latar belakang cerita dan pengenalan karakter
- Complication : konflik yang menjadi inti dari cerita
- Resolution : solusi penyelesaian dari masalah dan penutup
Berikut adalah contoh soal teks fabel singkat tentang persahabatan beserta kunci jawabannya.
Read the following text and answer the questions.
The Ant and the Dove

An ant has been walking for some times. Its reach into the end of the forest. Now, the ant feels thirsty and want to find some water. It walks a little bit more until came to a very large water spring. It climbs up to fields of grass and makes it way up. Suddenly, it trips and fell into the water.
Luckily, a dove was flying over the water spring. The dove has seen the ant before. Seeing, the struggle to get out of the water. The dove thinks that the ant must need help. It is definitely in great danger and can sink and drown anytime.
The dove fly close to the water surface. The dove grabs a leaf from a nearby tree. The dove dropped it immediately toward the struggling ant. Then the ant saw the leaf swim toward it. It manages to climb up there. The ant row the leaf to dry ground and finally safe and sound.
While the dove is flying around a hunter spot the dove. The hunter is ready to take a shot to the unaware of danger nearby dove. The ant happens to be near the hunter. As the hunter focus on the dove, the ant climbs on the hunter’s feet and bit him on the heel. Feeling a sting in his feet. the hunter dropped his gun. It gives the dove time to fly away quickly far from the area.
1. What is the text about?
a. The ant and the dove
b. The hunter and the ant
c. The dove and the hunter
d. The hunter’s pet
2. The first paragraph tells about …
a. Various type of ant
b. What does the ant drink
c. The ant in the water spring
d. The dove help the ant
3. What is the character of the dove?
a. Careless
b. Helpful
c. Dangerous
d. Thankful
4. How does the dove help the ant?
a. The ant saw the dove above the trees
b. The dove saw the ant and thinking and swim to the water
c. The dove flies low near the water spring
d. The dove drop a leaf
5. What is the moral of the text that the writer trying to say?
a. Help each other is important
b. Friendship can happen by helping each other
c. Beware of hunter
d. Good deed return with a more good deed
Kunci Jawaban
1. A
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. B
Baca juga : Contoh Soal News Item tentang Penemuan Benda Purba
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