Contoh Soal Personal Letter dan Kunci Jawabannya
Contoh Soal Personal Letter | Pembuatan surat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan. Business letter untuk kepentingan pekerjaan dan personal letter dibuat oleh seseorang untuk orang lain yang isinya bisa berbentuk formal atau informal. Oleh karena itu gaya bahasa dan formatnya pun jadi perbeda.
Personal letter adalah jenis teks singkat dengan penggunaan bahasa informal dan digunakan untuk mencapaikan berita kasual yang uumnya diperuntukan bagi keluarga atau teman. Perhatikan strukturnya terlebih dahulu untuk mengenali jenis teks personal letter dan mengerjakan soalnya.
- Heading. Bagian paling atas yang terdiri dari alamat penerima
- Salutation. Pembukaan dengn sapaan informal untuk menyapa pembaca suratnya
- Content. Isi berita
- Complimentary Closing. penutup netral yang mengakhiri surat dengan kata regards, best wishes atau sincerely yours.
Berikut adalah contoh personal letter, pertanyaan beserta kunci jawabannya. Perhatikan baik-baik, bentuk pertanyaan dan jawabannya.
Text 1
For all colleague and Friends,
As those who are close to me know very well I’m not good at saying goodbyes. So I do apologize if anyone offended by receiving only this letter as a sign farewell. I cannot bear meeting everyone face to face, shaking hands and wishing each other the best of luck. I have so many people to thank for I am blessed with amazing people that have to trust me and support everything did I do.
It is impossible to mention your name one by one in these short letters, but everybody knows who they are and their influence on my life. I am humbly grateful to have the opportunity to accomplish many things with amazing people.
Thank you for everyone that I have the opportunity to work and coach. I commend each of you for a good life and wish you all the best of luck and May you continue and make an amazing achievement.
I can be contacted through emails until I arrive in the country that I’m moving at. I wish everyone prosperous life and good health. Thank you.
Regards and best wishes
Bill Jameson
Answer the questions based on the text.
1. Why does Bill Jones write the letter?
a. to say good things to his friends
b. inform his leaving the office
c. to apologize for everything that he has done wrong
d. to thank everyone for their wishes
2. I commend each of you for a good life. The word commends synonym of…
a. improve
b. increase
c. enjoy
3. What has the writer done in the office?
a. train some employees
b. collaborate with co-worker
c. conduct a farewell party
d. support his colleagues
4. What was the writer’s experience during his stay in his previous office?
a. He had no friends at all
b. He had a lot of friends and colleague
c. He felt upset
d. He achieved nothing
5. Why did the writer hove to leave?
a. He is sick
b. He is lonely
c. He has another job
d. all the answer is wrong.
Kunci jawaban
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