Pengertian News Item Text dan Contohnya tentang Sosial Media
Pengertian News Item | Teks berita adalah materi yang pas untuk belajar tentang bahasa Inggris. Selain Anda dapat belajar tentang strukturnya, juga dapat memperkaya kumpulan vocabulary atau kosa kata. Namun sebelum membahas tentang contoh berita atau news item, ketahui terlebih dahulu tentang pengertian news item text beserta strukturnya.
News Item text adalah jenis text yang ditulis untuk menyampaikan sebuah informasi yang memiliki nilai berita untuk disampaikan pada orang banyak. News item text bercerita tentang sebuah hal yang dimuat pada media massa. Sehingga strukturnya mengandung
- Newsworthy event atau informasi penting yang perlu diketahui orang banyak.
- Background event yang menjelaskan tentang latar belakang, karakter didalamnya, kapan dan dimana terjadinya. Keterangan sesuai dengan elemen 5W+1H
- Resource of Info atau didukung oleh data terpecaya
Ciri dari sebuah news item text adalah isinya yang tersusun rapi dengan kaidah penulisan yang teratur. Hal-hal yang termasuk didalamnya adalah sebagai berikut :
- Memakai bahasa informatif
- Text ditulis dengan bentuk lampau atau simple past tense
- Action verbs
- Penjelasan peristiwa disajikan secara sistematis sesuai urutan tertentu
- Memakai indirect speech karena menyampaikan sesuatu
- Ditambah dengan kata keterangan waktu dan tempat.
Setelah mengetahui pengertian news item text beserta penjelas lainnya, untuk lebih memahami tentang text ini, perhatikan contoh artikelnya yang bercerita tentang sosial media dalam bentuk news item text.

Contoh News Item text
Tiktok, a mobile application is expected to drive more than a billion users at the end of 2020.
The large internet usage has developed a staggering increase in TikTok, apps. The social media application, which originated from mainland China allows their user to make short video clips and share them. The inventor Zhang Yiming receives large applause for his success in developing the apps.
The fun and chatty apps soon draw negative concerns regarding the various matters. The United States has made an open request to review the security element of the Chinese company’s acquisition, particularly for American usage.
The hugely popular short video app is suspected to be a hip way of collecting information taken from the United States user for national security data. The Committee on Foreign Investment in the US has made some effort to review the two-year-old apps that have been downloaded over a billion users since its release.
The matter creates controversy due to its weak suggestions on the matter. However, that does not loosen the lawmaker’s concern one the growing popularity in America, particularly to their young generation. One confidential source from the internal part of the investigation even claims that they have solid and hard evidence of a security breach that the nation needs to dig more.
Some social communication specialist grows concern on the Chinese technology that many American teens and even kids are using and downloading. It implements a shift in technologies that worrisome that any internal information is shared across America and China back and fort.
Another application from Beijing, China also dominated a worldwide user for some time. from ByteDace allows people to make karaoke short video. The almost similar service did not create security anxiety in the world, particularly The United States.
After the merge with Tiktok, it creates a more alarming effect. The number of users grew amazingly. However, it also drawn negative attention that the apps do not even realize they were creating.
Baca juga : 3 Contoh Teks News Item Singkat dan Strukturnya
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