Contoh Fairy Tale Story Dari Grimm Bersaudara
Kisah Fairy tale story klasik dari Grimm Bersaudara sudah menemani keluarga ratusan tahun. Berbagai cerita tentang peri, kerajaan, putri dan raja adalah salah satu jenis narrative text yang menarik dibacakan untuk anak-anak.
Beberapa kisah fairy tale populer terkenal di dunia dan diadaptasikan baik dalam bentuk film maupun drama. Sebagai bacaan teks jenis ini memiliki struktur orientation, complication, dan resolution. Berikut adalah contoh fairy tales dari grimm bersaudara.
Text 1 : Rumpelstiltskin

Once upon of time, there is a beautiful miller daughter in a faraway kingdom. The miller claims that his daughter can make gold from straw. The king hears this and takes the daughter and puts her in the palace tower.
The daughter is afraid because she can not do what his father’s claims. One day, an ugly elf comes to the room and offer his help. However, the elf asks for a price. So, the daughter gives the elve her necklace. Then, the king was happy for all the gold. He as the daughter to make more gold, and the elf helps again for a ring. Then, the daughter has nothing left to offer. So, the elf makes her promise to give him her first child. The king finally marries the daughter and have a son.
The elf come for the son. The daughter, now a queen ask for forgiveness. Luckily, the elf agrees to forget everything, if she can guess his name. She only has three days to guess it. The first day she write down all the common names, the elf come and she fail. The second day she wonder the kingdom around and writes down weird names, but she fails again. The last day, the queen walks in the wood and see the elf singing. “I will take the king’s son because Rumpelstiltskin is my name”. Finally, the queen can guess the elf’s name correctly.
Text 2 : The Elves And The Shoemaker
There was a poor old couple that makes shoes. However, they never sold any. Yet, they never give up and continue to make shoes every day. Something happens one day. As they work all day making shoes and went to sleep. When they wake up. Their shoes are all beautiful and more attractive.
The old couple begins to have more money. Their shoes are sold out every day. So, every day the couple make shoes. And as they sleep and wakes up in the morning. Their shoes are finished and beautiful. So, one day they did not go to sleep and wait to see who has been helping them.
They saw several elves working all night making their shoes. They bring colourful strings, beaded and many great accessories. When the sun comes up, all the elves disappear. At last, the old couple makes some nice small outfit and put them next to the shoes. It was the clothes for the elves. The elves are very happy and the couple also. So, they live happily together.
Masih banyak fairy tale story dari Grimm bersaudara lainnya. Kedua teks fairy tales diatas adalah sebagian kecil dari koleksinya kisahnya yang populer. Apakah Anda tahu kisah lainnya?
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