Contoh Recount Text Singkat tentang Bertemu Idola
Contoh Recount Text Singkat | Membuat recount text singkat selain membahas tentang liburan juga bisa bercerita tentang bertemu idola favorit. Jenis teks ini menceritakan pengalaman dengan cara bercerita. Tulisan yang termasuk salah satu bentuk narrative text ini memiliki struktur penunlisan sebagai berikut.
- pengenalan yang menjabarkan tentang tokoh dan latar belakang tempat
- rangkaian kejadian mencangkup 5 W dan 1 H dari cerita
- kesimpulan. rangkuman dari keseluruhan alur cerita
Pernahkah Anda bertemu dengan idola Anda? Coba lihat beberapa contoh recount text singkat berikut tentang pengalaman bertemu dengan idola. Perhatikan susunan pragraph dan pilihan katanya.

Text 1 : How I take photos with Nia Ramadani
I usually go to the market every two weeks. I don’t really like shopping but sometimes I just have to. So, I go to this traditional market in BSD. It was a modern building so the floor is tiled and nothing wet or smelly.
Then I saw a crowd on one side of the market. It has cameras and also lightning. I thought, there must be a news reporter or something. I don’t usually want to know those things. However, that day i was curious. I move toward the crowd and manage to get in front. It was a shooting show by Nia Ramadhani my favorite idol. She was talking with another famous person.
I waited for the shooting until she is finished and approaches Nia Ramadhani. I asked for a selfie and she said yes. So, we take out a photo together instead. Then, I say thanks and move from the crowd. I want to give other fans a chance to take photos too.
Text 2 : The BTS Meet And Greet
I am an army, the BTS fandom name. So, one day I get the chance to go to The BTS Meet and Greet event after I purchase their album and mini album. It was at a famous mall in Jakarta. I was so excited.
I went to the venue early because I want to make sure I am not late. I go thought the document checking and enter the place. I found a seat and chat with other fans. When the event starts i waited patiently. I was very happy just seeing their faces up and close. It was something that I can not do in concert. So, when it is my turn, I go to their table and ask autographs and photos.
Finally, the meet and greet event was finally finished. I took one more glimpse of the boys and take photos from a distance. Then, I walked out of the mall. It was a very memorable experience that I will always remember.
Text 3 : When I Bump Into Syahrini
I was at a fancy restaurant with my family. We were celebrating my birthday. Then, I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. So, I went there by myself. I wasn’t planning on staying long in the bathroom.
As I finished my business. I opened the door and saw someone who looks like Syahrini in my bathroom door. I was speechless. I came out of the bathroom and she went in. I m a big Syahrini fan, so I waited until she came out. She looked at me and smiled. I took the opportunity for an autograph an a photo. She kindly accepted my request.
She is not only kind but also beautiful. I am embarrassed to ask for such a thing in the bathroom. But, how I am going to see her again? Now, I have a photo to remember, even if it is in the public bathroom background.
Jadi, buat recount text singkat sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Hanya pastikan strukturnya sesuai dengan aturan. Bila ada yang ingin ditanyakan, silahkan komentar dibawah ini.
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