Jawaban Mengesankan Untuk Interview dalam Bahasa Inggris

Interview dalam Bahasa Inggris | Melamar pekerjaan sangat bergantung dengan interview. Bagaimana Anda berpakaian, memilih kata-kata, intonasi dan jawaban bisa jadi kunci Anda dapat diterima kerja atau tidak. Terutama apabila melakukan interview HRD atau Human Resources Department.

Anda seharusnya mempersiapkan diri, terutama bila interview dilakukan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Interview langsung dengan pihak HRD sering disingalir sebagai usaha untuk menebak karakter calon pencari kerja tentang karakter dan rencana masa depannya.

Berikut adalah contoh untuk dapat menangani pertanyaan pada saat interview dengan bagian HRD. Jawaban Anda dapat disiapkan dengan banyak data dengan jawaban yang menyesankan. Berikut adalah beberapa contohnya

Interview dalam Bahasa Inggris

Questions and Answers

  • Tell us about yourself. ( promote yourself but also be honest)

I am an only child. I live in a small apartment downtown. I am close with my family and thinks the world of them. I want to send them on a Hajj someday. That is why I apply for a job in your company. If you can do whatever you wanted what would it be?

  • How do you see yourself in 5 years? (interviewee want to see if you really want to work with them)

I will be a manager in your company. I really want to work with amazing people in a well reputable company. It is always been a dream of mine to work here.

What is your passion? (Is it align with your job and credential)

I love doing what I am doing right now. After graduating from University, I want to work which is in accord with my degree. One of them is applying here

  • What is your greatest achievement? (this is psychological questions to see if you are humble or arrogant)

I graduated with flying colors. I think having a phone call and the chance for an interview is also an achievement. All I have to do is to impress the HRD with my charm and words

  • What is your weakness? (choose something easy that people do not hamper the opportunity to work with other company

There is nobody perfect in this world. I also have flaws and fail things before. I am a perfectionist and like to see things in the right places and time. I also have sleep deprivation especially when there are datelines.

  • Why should we hire you (make the right reason that people have no other reason beside hiring you)

I am a hard-working person and like to takes risks. However, I am also a team player and do not mind changing things for variation. Here, everyone working with such enthusiast, That makes me want to work even harder.

  • What is your expected salary (as for a number if you feel confident)

Every company has its rules and standards. I also believe the payment system is rewarding. I would like to be paid according to my performance and ability. So, I am confident to get all the jobs I need according to experience.

Demikianlah contoh pertanyaan dan potensi jawaban dari interview HRD. Buatlah pewawancara Anda mendapat hasil wawancara yang bagus dan benar. Dalam menjawab pertanyaan harus jujur dan berbicara dengan santai. Dengan demikian hasil interview jadi cukup mengesankan untuk dipertimbangkan.

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