Discussion Text Example Tentang Pekerjaan Rumah
Diskusi baik disekolah atau pekerjaan sangat bermanfaat. Selain melatih untuk membuat opini dan mengutarakannya juga bisa melatih mendengarkan pendapat orang lain. Namun, bagaimana bila mencari discussion text example untuk kebutuhan bahasa Inggris/
Text yang membahas sebuah topik dan memaparkan berbagai sudut pandang memiliki struktur sebgai berikut.
- Issue : menetapkan masalah yang akan dibicarakan
- Supporting Points : menunjukan ide pokok untuk membahas materi baik mendukung atau menolak. Lalu melakukan elaborasi dan menjelaskan ide tersebut lebih luas.
- Contrasting Points : menghadirkan pendapat berbeda dari paragraf sebelumnya. Jadi dibahas dari sisi pro dan kontra.
- Conclulusion or Recomendation : kesimpulan dari pembahasan diparagraf sebelumnya yang jadi rangkuman akhirnya.
Gimana ? Apakah sudah jelas? Untuk lebih jelasnya berikut adalah discussion text example tentang pekerjaan rumah yang dapat diperhatikan lebih lanjut dibawah ini.

Homework is something that student do at home to repeat the lessons at school. However, with the increase in school time in Indonesia when student study from 7 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon. The debate is Homework comes to argument.
There are to side of the story. People against the idea of doing homework because of various reasons. Especially due to the number of hours students study at school alread.y. Other think that homework is still important for students to learn more about lessons at school so they have a better understanding of the matter.
Some people think homework gives student an in-depth understanding of the lesson at school. It is also a way for parents to interact with their kids and knows what they learn at school. If they haven’t grasped the knowledge at school then making it into a homework can make it clear for them.
Homework is important to give the student something to do at home. They need to evaluate their study so the ideas really stuck to their mind. This can only be achieved by doing homework at home.
However, in the other hand. Homework for some people is a waste of time. With the number of time students spends at school, there is barely any time for anything else. They study at home after they study at school. The period of time a student study is too much. They have no time to do anything else.
The number of students ill and sick due to tiredness is also something to considers. The student is not getting any smarter but they get more tired by the day. It is more reason to stop giving students homework. Especially when they already have too much work at school.
So, at the end, which is best? Do you want your kids to do homework or not? How about taking just enough amount of homework that does not make students stress or burned out. This can happen by reducing the number of question that a student has to do. So, they still have time to play and do other things. What do you think?
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