Contoh Spoof Text dan Structure tentang Kehidupan Sehari-hari
Contoh Spoof Text | Ada berbagai jenis text dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ada yang menjelaskan sesuatu, bahan diskusi, memberikan opini dan ada juga yang menceritakan sebuah kisah lucu. Penyampaian humor tersebut dikenal dengan sebutan Spoof text.
Ketahui tentang spoof text example dan strukturnya untuk memahami jenis teks ini lebih baik. Spoof memiliki kemiripan dengan anekdot dimana keduanya menitikberatkan tentang hal lucu. Namun spoof text lebih menekankan adanya twist atau ending yang tidak terduga.
Generic structure dari Spoof text terbagi menjadi 3 bagian.
- Orientation : pengenalan karakter dan latar belakang cerita
- Event : inti dari cerita lucu yang diceritakan
- Twist. : bagian lucu atau plot yang tak terduga dari cerita
Dibutuhkan pemahaman bahasa Inggris yang mumpuni untuk memahami cerita berbentuk spoof text. Karena penyampaiannya yang khas diperlukan untuk memahami kelucuan dari twist cerita. Berikut adalah spoof text example yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Simak beberapa contoh yang dapat dipelajari sebagai berikut.
The Man And The Bus

A young man stood next to an old man at the bus station. It was night and it gets really dark soon. The Bus keeps on passing but the old man didn’t get on any of the buses. So the young man askes the old man.
“Sir, what bus are you looking for?”. The old man looked at the young man and answer the question with more questions. “Do you know when is the next bus to Jogja?”. The young man thinks for minutes and reply. “I think, in about 20 minutes”. Then the old mand asked him again. “What time is the bus to Bandung?”. The young man started to get confused. He replied again “The bus to Bandung is about thirty minutes from now”.
The young man is even curious now. He asked the old man. “Excuse me, sir” and he added, ” Where are you really going?”. The old man replied with a smile. ” My house id across the street. I just want to get home. but I am afraid there will be a bus any time soon:“
“Honey, What is for Dinner?”

A 90 yers old man is afraid that his wife is old and have a hearing issue. He wanted to make her feel better. So, he went to a famous doctor in a very expensive hospital. He asked the doctor what he needs to do to helped his wife. The doctor then gave the old man some advised.
He said that the old man needs to bring the wife for some test. But, before dong that, he needs to do a check-up himself at home. He can start by talking to his wife in a certain distance. The old many can start from a far distance. If the wife still can not hear him, then add more steps and ask her again. If that still does not work, he needs to take more steps closer. That is how he will know how bad is his wife hearing issues.
So, the old man went home and put off his coat. He asks his wife that is cooking in the kitchen from the living room. He shouted, “Honey, what is for dinner?”. There is no response. He takes some steps and shouted again near the door “honey, what is for dinner”. There is still no answer. He walks to the kitchen door and shouted again, and there is still no answer. Then he opens the kitchen door. “Honey. what is for dinner?”. Then he can hear his wife answer angrily. “For the thousand times, Erl. I said Chicken“.
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Demikianlah spoof text example tentang berbagai hal yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Apakah Anda dapat memahami elemen lucu dari cerita diatas? Bila masih ada pertanyaan, tinggalkan komentar dibagian komentar dibawah ini.
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